

Online slide show with playlist and downloadable publication


This year John B. Aird Gallery celebrates the 23rd edition of its annual juried DRAWING exhibition by showcasing graphic works by 83 contemporary International and Canadian artists in a virtual exhibition which includes an online slide show with a playlist and a downloadable PDF publication.

The publication is designed by Aird Gallery assistant curator, Marli Davis, and is inclusive of Davis’ introductory essay, a response text by the exhibit juror, Christian Siroyt, and 83 image plates with caption details showcasing the juror’s selections.

For the purposes of this online project, a drawing is defined as an art form used either to create a finished work of art or draft ideas that

The broad definition is intended to open the survey exhibition to a wide variety of contemporary analog and digital artists’ approaches to drawing, drawing materials, techniques, and practices

The collection of drawings comprises works by Jackson Abrams, John Abrams, Karl Apple, Dave Bagley, Samuel Bernier-Cormier, George Boyer, Jamie Bradbury, Linda Chen, Maisie Cu, Bruce Cull, Paulie Dalby, Judy Daley, Juan Ignacio De La Fuente Cevasco, John Di Leonardo, Giuseppe Di Leo, Edward Donald, Char, Yulia Gasio, Arnie Guha, Katherine Hartel, Thomas Hendry, Jennifer Hinrichs, Sarah Hunter, Howard Kalisky, Sherry Khorasani, Sue Lloyd, Maureen Lowry, Cathryn MacFarlane, Antony MacGinnis, Ian Mackenzie, Nezarati Mahnaz, Jacob Mallett, Daniel Maluka, Merike Martin, Luanne Maskell, James Matheson, Lily May, David McClyment, Michael McGlennon, Tim Mikula, Rosha Mir, Hamed Morovati, Frank Mulvey, Rita Naras, Alexandrea Nicholas-Jennings, Ciar O’Mahony, Charisma Panchapakesan, Mahmoudi Parastoo, Lillian Pasqua, Pam Patterson, Blair T. Paul, Leena Raudvee, Janet Read, Heather Rigby, Clare Ross, Barbara Roston, Gohar Sargsyan, Erin Shadoff, Sara Shields, Jamy Steele, Atika Tariq, Alan Torok, Ahmet Uzuner, Vilhelmová Lenka, Marnie White, Tate Winstanley and Michael Wickerson.

CHRISTIAN SIROYT is an artist, writer, and independent curator. He holds a BA in Literary Studies & Cinema Studies with Book and Media Studies from the University of Toronto, and an MFA in Criticism and Curatorial Practice from OCADU. He is co-founder and co-director of Cassandra Cassandra. Siroyt previously worked as Curator at Museum Strathroy-Caradoc, and as Senior Research Assistant at Wapatah: Centre for Indigenous Visual Knowledge at OCADU.

MARLI DAVIS is a multicultural, interdisciplinary artist, based in Toronto. Her research-intensive practice borrows scientific and spiritual ideologies to conduct art-making in strategic phases, reminiscent of ritualistic laboratory experimentation. Establishing a practice within this convergence of ideologies provides Marli with the necessary outlets to execute intimate investigations throughout her work. Seeking topics that introspectively challenge the self; many dealing with the mapping of her fragmented cultural discourse. The artist begins to embody the examiner’s role; addressing and systematizing bodily notions through video, painting, sculpture, installation and publication.

In 2019, Marli studied abroad in Florence Italy and has obtained various awards and scholarships throughout her education. In 2021, she received a BFA from OCAD University; emerging with a dedicated passion for academia. Marli is currently partaking in selected art exhibitions, residencies and forum events. While learning within the art industry through mentorship and different intern, freelance and employment experiences.
