
PRINT 2023

P R I N T   2 0 2 3

An online slideshow with a playlist and downloadable PDF publication
JURIED/CURATED by Pudy Tong and Brenda Webster Tweel
Publication Design by Kate Parkinson

While the John B. Aird Gallery (1985 – Present) has a long history of providing in-situ exhibition opportunities for print-based artists, PRINT 2023 is the Gallery’s first online presentation.

PRINT 2023 was encouraged into being by the Aird Gallery’s long-time friend, Jennifer Vong, who reasoned that print/media, despite the possibility of it being used for misinformation and/or ill gain, retains its ability to make a positive impact by pointing to the significant role of print and print technology in past and present social activist movements.

Once the idea for the project germinated, the Aird invited entries from artists anywhere they made art to submit.

With respect to the CALL, the Aird defined a limited edition print as an original artwork that is wholly or primarily created using one or more of the following printmaking processes:  lithography, woodcut, linocut, relief print, etching, aquatint, engraving, mezzotint, mono-print, screen print, photo/digital, giclee and/or text.

This broad definition was wholly intended to open the exhibition to entries reflecting a wide variety of contemporary techniques and practices.

The project’s jurors, Master Printer, Pudy Tong, and Environmental Architect, Brenda Webster Tweel brought their considerable expertise to the selection process, choosing works created using many print mediums.

PRINT 2023 project presents the jurors’ collaboratively made selections and includes their brief but insightful response text. The publication design is by Aird Gallery’s curatorial assistant, Kate Parkinson, who also contributes a response article to the project.


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